Eugeniu Carada 12. Craiova, Romania
+40775 342 099,

Orez prăjit 150gr cu ardei gras 70gr, ciuperci 80gr, dovlecel 70gr, edamame 40gr, ceapă verde 20gr, sos de soia 20ml

orez prajit

Fried rice with peppers, mushrooms, zucchini, edamame, green onion and soy sauce

orez salbatic congelat, ardei gras, ciuperci champignon, dovlecei, fasole verde edamamme, ceapa verde, sos soia heinz, ulei floarea soarelui, muguri de pin, seminte susan, ceapa galbena, ghimbir, usturoi

V. e.: 230kcal, Carb 45gr, Grasimi 1gr, Proteine 14gr

  • Vegan
450gr, 41 lei

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