Eugeniu Carada 12. Craiova, Romania
+40775 342 099,

Rezervari online


Atentie! Attention!

– Rezervarea se considera efectuata doar in momentul cand primiti confirmare telefonica sau prin e-mail / The reservation is considered made only when the confirmation is received by phone or e-mail;

Pentru grupuri mai mari de 8 persoane, mese private, aniversari sau cereri speciale, trebuie sa ne contactati in timpul orelor de program la 0775342099 / For groups larger than 8 persons, private anniversaries or special requests, you must contact us during business hours at 0775342099.

– Nu putem sa facem rezervari online pentru aceeasi zi. In acest caz, va trebui sa ne contactati telefonic / We can’t take online reservations for the same day. In this case, you must contact us by phone;

– Cu repect, va rugam ca in cazul anularii, sa ne contactati telefonic cu minim *24h / With all the respect, please contact us by phone with minimum *24hrs.

– Durata de gratie pentru intarziere este de 30 de minute. Dupa cele 30 de minute, rezervarea va fi anulata;  We have a grace period of 30 minutes. After the 30 minutes the reservation will be cancelled;

– Pentru a modifica o rezervare, va rugam sa ne contactati telefonic / To modify a reservation, please contact us by phone.

Step 1: Select date and time

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