Eugeniu Carada 12. Craiova, Romania
+40775 342 099,

Tofu Bol 100gr cu edamame 60gr, orez sălbatic 100gr, varză roșie 60gr, cartof dulce 150gr, susan negru 30gr (susan), servit cu sos de arahide 60gr (alune) cu lapte de cocos, sos de soia și sweet chilli.

tofu bowl

Tofu Bowl with edamame, wild rice, red cabbage, sweet potatoes, black sesame seeds served with peanut butter with coconut milk, soy sauce and sweet chilli sauce.

V.e.: 560kcal, Carb 136gr, Grasimi 56gr, Proteine 49gr

  • Vegan
500gr, 41 lei

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